
This module implements user-friendly console input and output.


Yuio configures itself upon import using environment variables:

  • FORCE_NO_COLORS: disable colored output,

  • FORCE_COLORS: enable colored output.

The only thing it doesn’t do automatically is wrapping sys.stdout and sys.stderr into safe proxies. The CLI builder will do it for you, though, so you don’t need to worry about it.*, term: Term | None = None, theme: Theme | Callable[[Term], Theme] | None = None, wrap_stdio: bool = True)[source]

Initial setup of the logging facilities.

  • term

    terminal that will be used for output.

    If not passed, the global terminal is not set up; the default is to use a term attached to sys.stderr.

  • theme

    either a theme that will be used for output, or a theme constructor that takes a Term and returns a theme.

    If not passed, the global theme is not set up; the default is to use yuio.term.DefaultTheme then.

  • wrap_stdio

    if set to True, wraps sys.stdout and sys.stderr in a special wrapper that ensures better interaction with Yuio’s progress bars and widgets.


    If you’re working with some other library that wraps sys.stdout and sys.stderr, such as colorama, initialize it before Yuio.

To introspect the current state of Yuio’s initialization, use the following functions: Term[source]

Get the global instance of Term that is used with

If global setup wasn’t performed, this function implicitly performs it. Theme[source]

Get the global instance of Theme that is used with

If global setup wasn’t performed, this function implicitly performs it.[source]

Wrap sys.stdout and sys.stderr so that they honor Yuio tasks and widgets.


If you’re working with some other library that wraps sys.stdout and sys.stderr, such as colorama, initialize it before Yuio.

See setup().[source]

Restore wrapped streams.

See wrap_streams() and setup(). bool[source]

Check if sys.stdout and sys.stderr are wrapped. See setup(). TextIO[source]

Return the original sys.stderr before wrapping. TextIO[source]

Return the original sys.stdout before wrapping.

Printing messages

To print messages for the user, use these functions: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print an info message. str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a warning message. str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a success message. str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print an error message. str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print an error message and capture the current exception.

Call this function in the except clause of a try block or in an __exit__ function of a context manager to attach current exception details to the log message.


exc_info either a boolean indicating that the current exception should be captured (default is True), or a tuple of three elements, as returned by sys.exc_info(). str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a heading message. str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a markdown-formatted text.

Yuio supports all CommonMark block markup. Inline markup is limited to backticks and color tags.

See for more info.**kwargs)[source]

Print an empty string. ColorizedString, /, **kwargs)[source]

Print a ColorizedString.

This is a bridge between and lower-level modules like yuio.term.

In most cases, you won’t need this function. The only exception is when you need to build a ColorizedString yourself.

Coloring the output

By default, all messages are colored according to their level.

If you need inline colors, you can use special tags in your log messages:

info('Using the <c code>code</c> tag.')

You can combine multiple colors in the same tag:

info('<c bold green>Success!</c>')

Only tags that appear in the message itself are processed:

info('Tags in this message --> %s are printed as-is', '<c color>')

For highlighting inline code, Yuio supports parsing CommonMark’s backticks:

info('Using the `backticks`.')
info('Using the `` nested `backticks` ``, like they do on GitHub!')

List of all tags that are available by default:

  • code, note: highlights,

  • bold, b, dim, d: font style,

  • normal, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white: colors.

Customizing colors and using themes

The setup() function accepts a Theme class. You can subclass it and supply custom colors, see yuio.theme for more info.

Indicating progress

You can use the Task class to indicate status and progress of some task:

class str, /, *args, _parent: Task | None = None)[source]

A class for indicating progress of some task.

You can have multiple tasks at the same time, create subtasks, set task’s progress or add a comment about what’s currently being done within a task.

Demonstration of the `Task` class.

This class can be used as a context manager:

with Task('Processing input') as t:
progress(*args: float | None, unit: str = '', ndigits: int | None = None)[source]

Indicate progress of this task.

If given one argument, it is treated as percentage between 0 and 1.

If given two arguments, they are treated as amount of finished work, and a total amount of work. In this case, optional argument unit can be used to indicate units, in which amount is calculated:

with Task("Loading cargo") as task:
    task.progress(110, 150, unit="Kg")

This will print the following:

■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□ Loading cargo - 110/150Kg
progress_size(done: float | int, total: float | int, /, *, ndigits: int = 2)[source]

Indicate progress of this task using human-readable 1024-based size units.


with Task("Downloading a file") as task:
    task.progress_size(31.05 * 2**20, 150 * 2**20)

This will print:

■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□ Downloading a file - 31.05/150.00M
progress_scale(done: float | int, total: float | int, /, *, unit: str = '', ndigits: int = 2)[source]

Indicate progress of this task while scaling numbers in accordance with SI system.


with Task("Charging a capacitor") as task:
    task.progress_scale(889.25E-3, 1, unit="V")

This will print:

■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□ Charging a capacitor - 889.25mV/1.00V
iter(collection: Collection[T]) Iterable[T][source]

Helper for updating progress automatically while iterating over a collection.

For example:

with Task('Fetching data') as t:
    for url in t.iter(urls):

This will output the following:

■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□ Fetching data - 1/3
comment(comment: str | None, /, *args)[source]

Set a comment for a task.

Comment is displayed after the progress.

For example:

with Task('Fetching data') as t:
    for url in urls:

This will output the following:

⣿ Fetching data -

Indicate that this task has finished successfully.


Indicate that this task has finished with an error.

subtask(msg: str, /, *args) Task[source]

Create a subtask within this task.

Querying user input

If you need to get something from the user, ask() is the way to do it. str, /, *args, parser: Parser[Any] | None = None, default: Any = _Placeholders.MISSING, input_description: str | None = None, default_description: str | None = None, secure_input: bool = False) Any

Ask user to provide an input, parse it and return a value.

If stdin is not readable, return default if one is present, or raise a UserIoError.

Demonstration of the `ask` function.

ask() accepts generic parameters, which determine how input is parsed. For example, if you’re asking for an enum element, Yuio will show user a choice widget.

You can also supply a custom Parser, which will determine the widget that is displayed to the user, the way auto completions work, etc.


class Level(enum.Enum):
    WARNING = "Warning",
    INFO = "Info",
    DEBUG = "Debug",

answer = ask[Level]('Choose a logging level', default=Level.INFO)
  • msg – prompt to display to user.

  • args – arguments for prompt formatting.

  • parser – parser to use to parse user input. See yuio.parse for more info.

  • default – default value to return if user input is empty.

  • input_description – description of the expected input, like 'yes/no' for boolean inputs.

  • default_description – description of the default value.

  • secure_input – if enabled, treats input as password, and uses secure input methods. This option also hides errors from the parser, because they may contain user input. str = 'Press <c note>enter</c> to continue', /, *args)[source]

A simple function to wait for user to press enter.

If stdin is not readable, does not do anything.

You can also prompt the user to edit something with the edit() function: str, /, *, comment_marker: str | None = '#', editor: str | None = None) str[source]

Ask user to edit some text.

This function creates a temporary file with the given text and opens it in an editor. After editing is done, it strips away all lines that start with comment_marker, if one is given.

If editor is not available or returns a non-zero exit code, a UserIoError is raised.

If launched in a non-interactive environment, returns the text unedited (comments are still removed, though). str | None[source]

Detect the user’s preferred editor.

This function checks the EDITOR environment variable. If it’s not found, it checks whether nano or vi are available. Otherwise, it returns None.

All of these functions throw a error if something goes wrong:


Raised when interaction with user fails.

Suspending the output

You can temporarily disable printing of tasks and messages using the SuspendLogging context manager.


A context manager for pausing log output.

This is handy for when you need to take control over the output stream. For example, the ask() function uses this class internally.

This context manager also suspends all prints that go to sys.stdout and sys.stderr if they were wrapped (see setup()). To print through them, use sys.__stdout__ and sys.__stderr__.


Manually resume the logging process.

static info(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log an info() message, ignore suspended status.

static warning(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log a warning() message, ignore suspended status.

static success(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log a success() message, ignore suspended status.

static error(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log an error() message, ignore suspended status.

static error_with_tb(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log an error_with_tb() message, ignore suspended status.

static heading(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log a heading() message, ignore suspended status.

static md(msg: str, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log a markdown-formatted text.

static br(**kwargs)[source]

Log an empty string.

static raw(msg: ColorizedString, **kwargs)[source]

Log a ColorizedString.

Python’s logging and yuio

If you want to direct messages from the logging to Yuio, you can add a Handler:


A handler that redirects all log messages to yuio.